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Our wonderful event is run by a team of dedicated volunteers and the broader local community.


We would love to have you join us, either as a volunteer on the day or to take a stall. Simply get in touch with our lovely team for more information!


Hire a stall 

*please note we are now full to capacity on stall hire. 


You can apply for a Stall at the fair, which is open to the public. Stalls cost £30 each. We ask that you bring your own table and chairs. Please note you will have space allocated for 1 trestle table and chairs. 


Entrance is open for stallholders from 10am. We welcome designer-makers, crafty people, local companies and food producers. As well as 

non-profit or local community groups. 


Stall payment is non-refundable and is PAYABLE IN FULL IN ADVANCE.



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